
Romans 15:20  "It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known."

There is so much opportunity to share the love of Christ with the people of Kenya.  Our primary responsibility will be to administrate and oversee the building of the facilities, infrastructure, financial support, and routine operations of the orphanage.  While running an orphanage is a fulltime job in itself, these are additional community ministries we hope to be involved in...

             Caring for the Physical Needs of the Children
             Youth Soccer League & Bible Study
             Hosting Mission Teams
             Recreational Games & Bible Study
             Basketball Programs
             Children's Puppet Ministry Outreach
             Computer Lab (at the school)
             Church Member Visitations
             Kids Movie Night and Worship Services
             Adult Movie Night and Worship Services
             Praise Band
             FCA Endurance Adult Running Team & Bible Study
             Evening Children's Devotions
             Applied Learning - Gardening, Husbandry, Construction
             V.B.S. - School Break Bible Studies
             Door to Door Community Evangelism
             Sunday Worship Services
             Partner with the Schools
                  Small Business - baking bread, leather or beaded goods, leather keychains / wallets, cloth baby carrying slings, purses, hackysacks etc...